Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Wooden Heart

I've never been much into rap or spoken word, but this is still my favourate song this week. I can't get enough of this Dan Smith guy from the band "Listener":

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Life is pretty fun. I've been with my bandmates from "the Burn Ins" a lot. We still need to getback to the studio to finish recording our album with Jesse. Hoping this is all done before August is up. Got our 10th song to record, and need to add the keys to all our songs still. Gotta get that Hammond and Rhodes in there.
Here are a couple photos from the first trip. Josh took some MUCH better ones though.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Time again to donate to World Vision

I would appreciate any support in raising money for the 3o hour famine that I'll participating in next week. Please Help!
Thanks so much for your generosity! Click here see my profile and donate.

Monday, March 22, 2010

On Unpaid Sabbatical

So, I finished my 6 month stint as an Interim Lead Pastor in Elkford. I'll be living there for the next couple of months to pursue musical type things with my band, "The Burn Ins".

But First, I have driven down to the Lower Mainland to visit as much family as possible (and stopped to see Monson in Kelowna on the way).

Here is a photo of Paisley's Bed-Head which never disappoints every morning.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Liverpool

Sorry, I accidentally posted this in my non-amp blog. Now I don't know how to delete it, so it will remain. This has been together for quite some time now, and has made its way to Elkford to perform perfectly in a jam about a month ago.
Anyways, here is the Liverpool in its pine cabinet that Bryant built. There is a wooden faceplate as well that needs to be drilled out and labeled and mounted. However, It might not happen because this amp will eventually receive a very fancy hardwood cabinet to replace this one. The final faceplate will likely be purpleheart.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, after a few days of feeding mice peanut butter and being outsmarted, I stepped up my game; I switched to a bigger garbage pale. The mouse apparently ate even more of the peanut butter, but didn't make it away.
Apparently, the other contraption was allowing the mice to feed and walk away. Hopefully, this is the start of a mouse-free environment.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Great Mouse Solution

Despite the apparent classiness of my apartment, it seems that I may have an infestation of mice. I've found evidence in the last few days. I even came home a couple days ago to discover a mouse peering at me from my kitchen garbage can. He dove into the depths of the bag, so I tied it up and took out the trash. However, he either made it back inside, or there are others.

I was going to buy traps today, but after going out with with Anh, Marc, and Kim, I was told about an old Cyr family secret.
I better not explain how it works, but here is the pics of the trap I am setting tonight as I go to bed: